Sunday, May 17, 2009

and today is sunday. yesterday?

haih. i was strolling A to Z from my blogspot lists and seemed lotsa people are happy wishing their educators with the happy-well-you-know-what.

thank you to the colours of my sketches.

now i know the big amplitude made ur voice wow-loud, the greater frequency proposed ur high pitched raising voice. thanks to my physics teachers, i finally discovered that the super high voice wasnt caused by me. im a good girl aftar all. HAHA

yesterday u said 3+4 =7. today u said 5+2 =7. i called u a liar. sorry for the misunderstood, for now i know 2^2+1+7-8+(3/4 x 12)-(3^2)-1+ 2^2=7
dealing with the sellings and buyings, notable changes and balances are miscounted. thanks to my maths teachers,now im an at-least-i-know-how-to-count-but-an-effing-calculator, but expert in counting money to be particular. well, money is essential.

talk n listen n talk n listen n it never ends. thanks to the cikgu2, teachers, ustaz2 and ustazah2 and not to be put aside, sensei. for now i can communicate effectively eventhough my language is ehehehe-level ;D, writing i do, and at least i understand even it does give me headache when it comes to 2 way communications, be it arabic. let alone nihonggo.

ever smell Nina; Nina Ricci, DKNY; Red Delicious, or Amore? now and then we will hear- "try this out. nice apple smell, huh?" or "i feel like smelling scrumptious lemonade!". thanks to my chemistry teachers, now i know the scents are methyl benzoate, isobutyl methanoate and methyl-2-amino benzoate, to name a few.

the brain in my kiddo world version was divided into 2, known as the left brain and the right brain. the righty use mostly left brain, and the lefty's vice versa. and thats the most detailed i know. thanks to my biology teachers, they taught me that the cerebrum is divided into 2 hemispheres, the left is associated with analytical skills, mathematical ability, speech and writing and on the other hand the right is associated with creativity and artistic ability, but yet caused another confusion to both of my hemispeheres, which brain m i using? and again, cikgu zahrul solved the confusion by answering, we're actually use a bit of both sides of the brain, making the human is individually unique from one another.

the world is sure exciting and promising us with like thousands of millions of killing adventures and tiring obstacles-not to mention the pleasure and relaxation. yet there is another world awaiting us. thanks to the agama, syariah and quran sunnah teachers for making me realize how short this life is, and how important for us to be well prepared, waiting for our turn to bid farewell to the cosmos.

sorry but i cant mention all them here. these are the formal ones. seems unfair as they are not our only educators. the whole world is our educators. so , thank YOU.

oh ya, even our mistakes are the teachers. we learn from mistakes-
quoting from kak diana kurakuramerah yg cute,
'in life there is no regrets, just lessons'

lets change the term, its unfair to say the day is only to the 'teachers'. then lecturers mcm mana?
we make it:

HAPPY educators' DAY to all.


Dai said...

ohoh zawani...
n u hv to wish me happy tchers day too...
ondaway to b a tcher dowh...
mwahahaha... =)

Mardiana Azhar said...

hihihihih !

zorro said...

dai: i will. wait for my wish 6 years from now ok. hehe

k diana: :D

rozailiaswan said...

walaupun org tu hanya ajar satu huruf..tetap dikira guru..
"happy tchers day"

zorro said...

rozaili: weyyyy, tak habaq ada blog! nak kena ni. weyyyy,nak add link tau...