schooling days.
Ft Barre's Convent n Integrasi Kubang Pasu. 2 me, theres only a word to describe d differences. its "WHOA". haha. i hav to be honest. Ikups taught me to b a descent human. it really does.
its 26th Ramadhan. 24th Ramadhan ago was the last time i did tarawih as an ikupian. and d 1st reason y i chose 2 blog, is to ensure i hav d record of the things that happened in my lyf (well i hate diaries n journals.;p)
ok now lemme tell ya people bout d schooly me.
i lived my life as a total diff person this year. to be honest, i once loved attention n spotlights. teachers' pet n all. now, NO MORE. i hate them. n d hatred grows in me. i started to realize how fun it is to work behind people. i was n i m a prefect. 4 d past 4 years, when i hav 2 choose between responsiblities n frens, i chose responsiblities. n i regretted it. its hard. d teachers said i was right ( i mean they said that i made d right choice). but my heart said i didnt so. then i realized. to me i was wrong. maybe i was right to d teachers but i myself hated living that way. so i patah balik. this year i chose frens. n i bliv i was n m rite. =). its wonderful. cos i bliv u guys know how it feels when ure living with ur heart. but wait seminit(haha!) , i still do my job get get done my resposiblities as a prefect, but in a diff way n approach. ;D . n my frens love me. what else can i say?
my life during i was in form 1 was awful. haha. bodoh gler. whenever there's pulang bermalam, i MUST bring home 4 bags! (AT THAT TIME to me its kinda revenge cos usually i hav to do my own laundry. so when i brought all d dirty clothes back home n mom did all d laundry- mission accomplished) alangkah ntah ape2 nya aku mase tuh. i even fought with a fren. in d toilet.haha. wanna noe y? takpayah lah. (korang paham2 jela, form one...ntah pe2)..n guess what, i kena pggl ngn pk hem (en amir yg dikasihi) n what he did was laugh n laugh n laugh. ntah la. i myself x understood ape la yg funny sgt. (maybe theres sumthing dat he enjoyed-n others not ;p) but the prob settled itself. :D n i wanted to membongkar d worst of all. shhhh!! dont tell a soul bout dis k. (:P) it was d second day of my life in ikups. i was d first to wake up that day. n since at that time d school still x provide curtains in d dorms, once i woke up, i directly can c the views outside. its was bright. terang giler. n that got me panic. i called for nadiah n rai. mmg in my mind at that time i was thinking that we were late to school -obviously-(plus accidently missed subuh as well, hihi). suddenly nadiah woke up n said, "eh, mana ada lewat. baru 4:58 la". rai then replied," ye ke? ", n she simply wrapped herself with d blanket. n me? i myself x bliv dat i was that str8 n just thought since its bukit kayu hitam, we were at bukit and the sun rise earlier. but then rai woke up(again!) n said, "eh nadiah, mana ada 4:58! 6:58 la!" now u noe how BRIGHT d day was.
best part= i went to school wout bath. ;D hebat? yeah, i noe. enuff for the disgusting but still hebat part. the xhebat-at-all part was during d assembly. x sgke la pulak d assembly would be like ages n we x allowed to sit. n bcos of standing too long and being static for hours, nadiah fainted. n all the shhh!-dont-tell-any1 thingy was terbongkar. THE ENTIRE SCHOOL KNEW I X MANDI dat day. hebat? NO.
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Eiii........ tak mandi!
jealouuuuussssssssssss.....! ada org pun x mandi masa takdak air kat skolah.siapakah itu? entah la. haha. sendiri tau lerrr....hahaha ;D
ntah cmne bleh terhack blog ni. sorry... hahaha
masa form 1 mmg zaman jahiliyyah bg kbykan student.
(terkenang zaman muda2 dulu)
owww....XD..x mndi g assembly.. junior spa nih weh??
*even ikups slalu xdak ayaq tp, diri ku ini sntiasa make sure.. MNDI!! ahahah...
busuk gler~~
shah: ak x bg perfume free satgiiiii....
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