hidup jadi buhsan. bila tiada apa yg dikejar-kejar. bila tiada apa yg dibingung-bingungkan. bila tiada orang di sekeliling anda. bila post semakin pendek, :p
:( *bored to death*
feb's coming. aisyah will be here tomorrow. *cant wait*.
fikiaq-fikiaq, aku patut cari keja len dulu kaaa....pi blajaq drive dulu?
nanti aku crita len. kan aku dah habaq, post semakin pendek..hehe..tgkla bila2 aku rajin, panjang la sikit nanti.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
percubaan #2
hari nih..aku semakin terrer ber-business. hakhakhakkk.. my boss talk to me bout amanah n ikhlas n all..seriously unexpectable, cos i never thot dat sum1 will talk to me bout those things once i left sbpkp..
He said he has no mazhab, as he understands Quran n hadiths. dia cakap gak,"Malaysians are sometimes a big challenge to me,". Y? bcos too many bid'ah are practised in daily life yet they x want to listen to people who knows. Jumpak imam, imam pun smokes..he x keep in silence and voiced instead;
Mr doe: erm, smoking is haram.
mereka2: no, no, makruhh..
Mr Doe: well u know what 'makruh' means?
mereka2: makruh? makruhhh, u know, makruh. (maksud mereka mkruh tu makruh la)
(masa dia cerita kat aku, dia tanya aku, aku tau x makruh tu apa, aku pun..'makruh? ka-ro-ha. means, benci,dislike m i rite?.' 'good,good,'die reply. *siookkkkkk tak terkata,HAHAHA*)
Mr Doe: makruh means u dont like it.If Allah x like something, will u like it?
banyak lagi la dia crita..malaih nak type.;p more to like my Quran Sunnah n Syariah revision. hahah.
erm..skali tu, aku nak habaq kata aku minum ayaq masak. tapi aku taktau nak habaq ayaq masa camna. terlupa ayaq masak bi panggei apa..hahah.. jadila mcm niii..:
aku: air masak, u know, air masak
Mr doe: what, what masak?
aku: apa tahh..erm..sky juice. u know sky juice?
Mr Doe: sky juice?? whats sky juice?
aku: alllaaa...erm.... air putih?
Mr Doe? air putih? u mean, plain water??
aku: haaaa, yeah yeah, PLAIN WATER!
types of perfume, i.e. soft, in between, strong. what to do when the customers ask me to recommend. what to say to customers. lets say today im learning how to make business.
oh ya, im not in percubaan anymore, i might be an independant staff tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. (independant here means to work away from the boss, the amanah will be 100% on me)
today's sellings: mediterranean (2), CK Be (1), Amore (2), Pleasure (1), Midnight (1), Paco Rabanne (1), Polo Black (1), New West (1), Tommy girl (1), Dunhill Pure (1), Miracle (1),Aqua Digio (1).
He said he has no mazhab, as he understands Quran n hadiths. dia cakap gak,"Malaysians are sometimes a big challenge to me,". Y? bcos too many bid'ah are practised in daily life yet they x want to listen to people who knows. Jumpak imam, imam pun smokes..he x keep in silence and voiced instead;
Mr doe: erm, smoking is haram.
mereka2: no, no, makruhh..
Mr Doe: well u know what 'makruh' means?
mereka2: makruh? makruhhh, u know, makruh. (maksud mereka mkruh tu makruh la)
(masa dia cerita kat aku, dia tanya aku, aku tau x makruh tu apa, aku pun..'makruh? ka-ro-ha. means, benci,dislike m i rite?.' 'good,good,'die reply. *siookkkkkk tak terkata,HAHAHA*)
Mr Doe: makruh means u dont like it.If Allah x like something, will u like it?
banyak lagi la dia crita..malaih nak type.;p more to like my Quran Sunnah n Syariah revision. hahah.
erm..skali tu, aku nak habaq kata aku minum ayaq masak. tapi aku taktau nak habaq ayaq masa camna. terlupa ayaq masak bi panggei apa..hahah.. jadila mcm niii..:
aku: air masak, u know, air masak
Mr doe: what, what masak?
aku: apa tahh..erm..sky juice. u know sky juice?
Mr Doe: sky juice?? whats sky juice?
aku: alllaaa...erm.... air putih?
Mr Doe? air putih? u mean, plain water??
aku: haaaa, yeah yeah, PLAIN WATER!
types of perfume, i.e. soft, in between, strong. what to do when the customers ask me to recommend. what to say to customers. lets say today im learning how to make business.
oh ya, im not in percubaan anymore, i might be an independant staff tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. (independant here means to work away from the boss, the amanah will be 100% on me)
today's sellings: mediterranean (2), CK Be (1), Amore (2), Pleasure (1), Midnight (1), Paco Rabanne (1), Polo Black (1), New West (1), Tommy girl (1), Dunhill Pure (1), Miracle (1),Aqua Digio (1).
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
percubaan #1
today? this is how today went.
11 smtg, went to sp plaza...waited till 12 smtg and met Mr Douh. Mr Douh is my not-yet-comfirmed-boss, from morocco, married to a Malaysian, used to live in Australia, US, and France-if im not mistaken. he has been in kedah for 5-6 years. 1st of all, dia bagi kuliah. a very detailed one. the lecture ada traffic light, i mean kejap2 stop, kejap2 stop, sebab ada customer dtg. 1st lecture pasai being honest n good n sifat2 mahmudah. hekhek. and then dia bg 2nd lecture lak, this time he touched more on business n customers.
right after the lectures were over, i gotta pronounce the perfumes' names. adeyh..kene ke french words, i surely went like, 'err..enn..no no..unh..em, how to pronounce this word, eh?' hahah. lepaih lulus menyebut nama2 perfume tuh, kena memorize the names and the positions of the perfumes, so that when the customers come in n say, ' i wanna sekian sekian', i can directly take the perfume out.
done with the memorizing and pronouncing. now, im into pouring section. haha.
My first pouring job is Dunhill Desire. what i have to do is to pour the fragrance from its main bottle (its like the glass bottle with glass cover that we have in chemical labs) into smaller bottles i.e 2ml/3ml/8ml/28ml/33ml/35ml/50ml/100ml, but i did mainly (all, actually) for 8ml bottles. he watched my first try and said, "yess..,perfect". *bangga sat* . he x watch my 2nd try. nasib baik, sebab my 2nd try made the bottle drenched, thanks to me. but the luck didnt stay by my side for long, the boss came n held the bottle. kantoiii. tapi dia kata takpa..first day. hehe..
teng teng! a customer came in. kalih sat tgk boss. dia buat bodo. means i hav to do the promoting and selling. mampoih. the customer asked, ' ermm..perfume ape ek yg best?'..( MANA LA AKU NAK TAU!!!!!!!! AK TAK PAKAI PERFUME LAKI LAA..) aku kaget seketika. haha. aku pun, 'hm..try Dunhill Desire' (<-- tu je perfume laki yg aku tau bau dia camne..haha).. sepantas kilat ke aku amek Dunhill Desire, calit sket kat tgn dia. angguk jek die. then he voiced, 'nak try yg lain pulak'. sudahhh... i was like, 'try Polo Sport, yg ni pun okay, Light Blue, yg ni famous, Boss.., Ok?', he went, ' erm..polo sport dah pernah pakai dah, yg ni..tak minat..yg ni pulak, tak ske r, saye nak yg first tadi tu, Dunhill ek?' wuhhhuuuu.. positive progression nii. hahaha.
then, boss asked me to fill 15 8ml-bottles with Black Code. habis Black Code i got a paper of task. :- Apple- 8 bottles
Amore- 8 bottles
Hugo Women -20 bottles
Hypnose (W) -15 bottles
Diana -10 bottles
Issey Miyaki -10 bottles
Jadore -10 bottles
Kenzo Flower -10 bottles
Pleasure -10 bottles.
i took bout 6 hours to accomplish the tasks. huhh.
balik umah dlm keadaan wangi gilaa... hahah
today- Remix She (1), Dunhill Desire (1), Amor (2), Apple (1).
11 smtg, went to sp plaza...waited till 12 smtg and met Mr Douh. Mr Douh is my not-yet-comfirmed-boss, from morocco, married to a Malaysian, used to live in Australia, US, and France-if im not mistaken. he has been in kedah for 5-6 years. 1st of all, dia bagi kuliah. a very detailed one. the lecture ada traffic light, i mean kejap2 stop, kejap2 stop, sebab ada customer dtg. 1st lecture pasai being honest n good n sifat2 mahmudah. hekhek. and then dia bg 2nd lecture lak, this time he touched more on business n customers.
right after the lectures were over, i gotta pronounce the perfumes' names. adeyh..kene ke french words, i surely went like, 'err..enn..no no..unh..em, how to pronounce this word, eh?' hahah. lepaih lulus menyebut nama2 perfume tuh, kena memorize the names and the positions of the perfumes, so that when the customers come in n say, ' i wanna sekian sekian', i can directly take the perfume out.
done with the memorizing and pronouncing. now, im into pouring section. haha.
My first pouring job is Dunhill Desire. what i have to do is to pour the fragrance from its main bottle (its like the glass bottle with glass cover that we have in chemical labs) into smaller bottles i.e 2ml/3ml/8ml/28ml/33ml/35ml/50ml/100ml, but i did mainly (all, actually) for 8ml bottles. he watched my first try and said, "yess..,perfect". *bangga sat* . he x watch my 2nd try. nasib baik, sebab my 2nd try made the bottle drenched, thanks to me. but the luck didnt stay by my side for long, the boss came n held the bottle. kantoiii. tapi dia kata takpa..first day. hehe..
teng teng! a customer came in. kalih sat tgk boss. dia buat bodo. means i hav to do the promoting and selling. mampoih. the customer asked, ' ermm..perfume ape ek yg best?'..( MANA LA AKU NAK TAU!!!!!!!! AK TAK PAKAI PERFUME LAKI LAA..) aku kaget seketika. haha. aku pun, 'hm..try Dunhill Desire' (<-- tu je perfume laki yg aku tau bau dia camne..haha).. sepantas kilat ke aku amek Dunhill Desire, calit sket kat tgn dia. angguk jek die. then he voiced, 'nak try yg lain pulak'. sudahhh... i was like, 'try Polo Sport, yg ni pun okay, Light Blue, yg ni famous, Boss.., Ok?', he went, ' erm..polo sport dah pernah pakai dah, yg ni..tak minat..yg ni pulak, tak ske r, saye nak yg first tadi tu, Dunhill ek?' wuhhhuuuu.. positive progression nii. hahaha.
then, boss asked me to fill 15 8ml-bottles with Black Code. habis Black Code i got a paper of task. :- Apple- 8 bottles
Amore- 8 bottles
Hugo Women -20 bottles
Hypnose (W) -15 bottles
Diana -10 bottles
Issey Miyaki -10 bottles
Jadore -10 bottles
Kenzo Flower -10 bottles
Pleasure -10 bottles.
i took bout 6 hours to accomplish the tasks. huhh.
balik umah dlm keadaan wangi gilaa... hahah
today- Remix She (1), Dunhill Desire (1), Amor (2), Apple (1).
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
shah senget.
i've a friend.
his name is nor shahrizat ...err...ada lagi, tapi tak igt la...tu la, sapa suro nama panjang sangat.
he is a male but the name says he's a female.
weeks ago he said he wanna change his name, into something which looks more perkasa. hahaha..
shah senget. senget yang amat sangat. its only about 45 degree from the floor to his head.
to shah: bluueekkkk! delete THAT post to make me delete this. :D
his name is nor shahrizat ...err...ada lagi, tapi tak igt la...tu la, sapa suro nama panjang sangat.
he is a male but the name says he's a female.
weeks ago he said he wanna change his name, into something which looks more perkasa. hahaha..
shah senget. senget yang amat sangat. its only about 45 degree from the floor to his head.
to shah: bluueekkkk! delete THAT post to make me delete this. :D
Monday, January 5, 2009

lame yet its getting hotter..
gaza under siege. f*cking(excuse me) zionists.
Pissrael rejected a UN resolution calling for a ceasefire in gaza last friday, and as jets and tanks again pounded the Palestinians enclave, ministers debated whether to step up their 2minggu ;p campaign against hamas. 48 hours of immediate ceasefire is refused by pissrael. why? their answer- Hamas rocket attacks. yucks,blueeeekkkkk..
Hamas-devils? WHATEVER. we have eyes and we can judge. the world is not YET lost its sense of presupposition.
"we're defending ourselves!", kata Pissrael. bodonyaa.... Hamas won the election officially, so whats the big deal? kalo dah tak menang tu maknanya kalah larr.no invade.no bombs.no kills.
is Obama up to something? he might up to something. but to make it happen? entahla. the dasar luar US itself is supporting Pissrael,like..whoever is the head of US, the dasar could hardly be changed. seems like we cant count on him. so, count on me. bwahahahhh. :p
now people are talking bout the Arabs. a few of d pak2 arab ad somekind mcm perjanjian damai dgn itu pissrael. kalo x pun, they surely have either 2ways-economic-diplomacy-etcetcetc.. relationship(s). so........backstab, anyone?
but i do think syria can do smtg, based on its location and the humanity actions of the government, insyaAllah la.
no obama..minus middle easts.. mm...UN?
caish. itu pissrael baru je refuse to UN's resolution. not to mention the fact that US being one of the veto,russia as well.. and seeing the structure of the organization itself..emm..paham2 jelah.
but the subject is, the whole globe seems like freeing palestine. rapat umums n demos here and there, tak cukup jari tangan + kaki utk membisakan aku membilang jumlahnya. and based on what the analyser who happen to be on air a week ago in mhi, those demos insyaAllah will urge UN to do smtg. hope so..
so now, what?

consistent boycottiong israelis' products.ting tong.no KFC.no McD.no Burger King.no starbucks.no chipsmore. no movies. what did i just said? movies? well, i mean selected movies. berat niii.. adeyhh..
Ya Allah,Sesungguhnya kami meletakkan-Mu di batang-batang leher musuh2 kami Dan kami berlindung dengan-Mu daripada kejahatan2 mereka
Ya Allah,Leburkanlah kumpulan2 mereka Pecah belahkan dan kacau bilaukan persatuan mereka.
Goncangkan pendirian mereka Dan hantarkanlah anjing2 kamu kepada mereka.
Wahai Tuhan Yang Gagah Perkasa.
Wahai Tuhan Yang Penuh Raksasa Wahai Tuhan Yang Bersifat Murka.
Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya AllahWahai Tuhan yang menurunkan kitab, Wahai Tuhan yang mengarakkan awan Wahai Tuhan yang menewaskan bala tentera al-ahzab, kalahkan mereka. Kalahkan mereka Kalahkan mereka Dan menangkan kami ke atas mereka.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
-bye 2008, hellow 2009-

tatau nak tulih apaaa..
hope to see u greener than before. .
semoga 0408 rock 2009!
hope to have a better ***King days throughout the year.
2009 resolutions?
- menampal n memperbaiki language-ku yg selalu bocor sana sini.
- menjalani hidup free from boredom. yeah, tuan2 dan puan2, 'boredom' is contagious n fatal. berhati2 dgn aku, sbb virus ni suda mula menular dalam badan aku yg sihat lagi kuat ni.
- at least, i want to have a movie marathon this year. ~agak susah mau settle resolution ni...
may u have a wonderful year.
pray for my spm result as well. im x feeling gud bout it, but i still put my greatest hope to reach the highest star. glad there's only one spm u hav to face in a lifetime.
*kepada semua pengguna jalan raya, terutamanya yg xleh drive lagi, sila pakai seat belt anda. tapi takmo pakai pun takpa, tunggu la encik polis yg smart lagi bergaya mengeluarkan saman.:) aku tumpang gembira.hahaha
im craving for more movies!
oh ya, ive wathced YESMAN last week. great movie tho. sapa2 free pi la tgk. tapi i'll put Bedtime Stories a level higher. hehehe...

GDBYE 2008, yeehheaaaaa 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im coming for ya!
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