Thursday, December 25, 2008

aktiviti mengisi masa lapang.

well people, i was bored to death these days and THANKS to that, i discovered a few eye catchers. scrool down and u'll know what i mean.

friendship between a pigeon and a boy. wonderful? haha

poor people. hebatnya binatang. hahaha

forbidden fruit is always sweeter? :p

finally, there's a place for those who are seeking for the answer for that kind 'o question. lol.

owh...air ek yg turun kalo ujan??? :p

okayy...i guess we all see....

the best way to educate people. agaknya kalau mcm ni baru org paham kot..

Monday, December 22, 2008


Here are the rules ;

1. List these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.

3. Tag 10 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.

4. Link the person who tagged you.

5. Leave a comment for each blogger.

6.You are not allowed to tag back the person who tagged you.

7 facts about me??

-i live for no facts. hahahahaha.
-SANGAT TIDAK SUKA those people who cakap-tak-serupa-bikin.
-2 dah lah..haha

01) what is the most important thing in your life ?
nyawa aku la, tidak macam mana aku mau idop. hueh2.

02. what is the last thing you bought with your own money?
- Cornelia Funk's inkheart

03. where do you wish to get married ?
- atas carpet je. hehe

04. how old do you think you will get permanently owned by your lover ?
-haha. tgk la how things go. haha

05. are you in love ?
-oh hahahaha. it takes like forever just to make an approach to Mr Brendon u know. :D

06. where was the last restaurant you had dinner at ?
- IbrahimSharifah MakanlahApaKauNak DineHouse. XD

07. name the latest book you bought ?
- Inkheart. 2 weeks ago.

08. what is your full name ?
- Mrs Brendon Boyd Urie. ahaks.

09. do you prefer mother or father?
- 2nd daughter of both father n mother a.k.a. zawani. :D

10. name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time
- Muhammad b Abdullah, Abdul Manan b Baharuddin and not to mention Urie B.

11. christina or britney?

12. do you do your own laundry?
- yes. *with a sense of pride, hueh2*

13. the most exciting place you want to go?
- Gold Coast. em, Rome as well.

14. hugs or kisses
- backslap. hahaha

15. point out five things about the person who tagged you
- kak fanis?
warganegara bpj. cute. bestie encik K. hahahahaha. jgn marah ekk..

16. eight things i’m passionate about
- Urie B. XD
- money$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ hohoho..
-international network.
- moviessssss

17. eight books i have read recently
- Where Rainbows End untuk kali yg keberapa ntahlah..
- Nutrition For You
sorry, im too lazy to pop up the rest. same goes to otha questions.

18. eight songs i’ve been listening over and over again
- leave out all the rest, LP
-nine in the afternoon, patd

19. eight things i learned this year
- how to recharge ur hp when ur charger suddenly lost its memory.
-the best way to make the promoters shut their mouth. hahaha.

20. 10 persons you tag
-afdlin shauki. :P

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Apa yang anda akan lakukan sekiranya:

1) tiba2 kawan anda matikan lamputandas ketika anda sedang mandi malam?
....kata "eyyyyy! ada orang la.."

2) anda dilanggar lari?
..kejar,pastu langgar balik

3) tahi burung jatuh di kepala anda? kot..hehe..sebab,orang cina kata, kalo kene tahi burung, 'ong'! hehe

4) anda dapati ada orang mengutuk anda dari belakang?
..em,tunggu sampai hari raya pastu anta msg yg berbunyi, "weyh, tadak apa2 nak bgtau kat aku ka..? mcm..mengata kat aku ka.." :p

5) kekasih anda mempunyai kekasih lainsecara senyap2?
.... punyai yg lain secara terang-terangan. bila ditanya jawapannya, 'teman tapi mesra' hehehe..

6) agama anda dipermainkan?
.. rasa geram la. tapi bila pikiaq balik, kesian..sebab kat akhirat esok, depa yg teruk. aku surely akan melambai2 keriangan dr syurga (kalo masuk syurga *aminn* n kalo bley buat mcm tu laaa)

7) pakaian yg anda pakai ke majlis formal terkoyak ketika turun dari kereta?
safety pin?

8) anda telajak tidur di pejabatsehingga melelehkan air liur?
..hmm,saya..tadak pejabat la.

10) ibu bapa anda memaksa andaberkahwin dengan jejaka/gadis pilihanmereka?
...tepon encik brendon urie. hueh2. XD

11) anda tidak cukup duit untukmembayar makanan yang telah anda makandi restoran?
..basuh pinggan?

12) seseorang mengetuk kepala anda kemudiannya melarikan diri?
..kejar. kemudian ketuk kepalanya balikdengan hebat sekali. pas2, masa dia dok sakit2, snap satu atau dua pics dan upload kat photobucket dan flickr. :)

13) anda dipecat dari kerja tanpa sebabyang pasti?,sy assume sy lagi garang drpd boss tu, boss tu takut la kowt.. hehe..

14) anak jiran anda meninggal?
..telefon jiran sebelah satu lagi, bgau anak jiran belah satu lagi meninggal pastu suruh dia telefon jiran yg sebelah satu lagi bgtau kat jiran sebelah dia suruh bgtau jiran sebelah satu lagi tentang berita tersebut.

15) anda akan mati esok?
..tunggu lagi, tobat n mintak ampun kat semua org la...aku takmau angkut dosa banyak2, berat. pahala aku mau la. :)

to sapa2 yg rajin, feel free utk copy n paste. :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


people. i just discoved a new thing bout myself. i know im actually suffering from this penyakit called tak-reti-duduk-diam. good thing, it need no medications *yahh no ubat! XD*, just a lil bit self-discipline projects *aiyoorhhhh* . :(

p/s - regards to Super Munthadar al-Zeidi. i wonder, is there any Malaysian-Muntazer al-zaidi. he's one of a kind. bravo kau.

kanak2 pun tau. oh ya, i mean NO OFFENCE.

Monday, December 15, 2008

picking up things we shouldnt read.

10:03 am - he came in, smiling. i looked at him through the free air-filled spaces, right from where i've been since hours, waiting him home. "Hiiii!!!"he said. walking slowly in a very ugly way (sorry! :P) towards d bed specially prepared for him, (yeah, d katil which made me n yaya need to adjust n replace stuffs n furniture, making d small seemed spacious for d 1st time). Today is d day, Uman had been sunat-ed. He was supposed to be khataned before raya aji, n dah siap2 do all the kenduri n stuffs as uman already janji with his friend next door that they will be khataned on d same day. n this story is from yaya, cos i wasnt at home on d day umah should be khataned. she said uman demam la pulak ari tu. balik umah from clinic terus marah2 n all. d doctor x want to *i dunno what is the term, kira mcm meng-khatan-kan uman* cos it might be x safe. n yesterday, since bout 2 pm or so, we siblings played so much games which need the players to run n macam2 la. we stopped to pray aje.pastu main lagi.hmm.. we played till maghrib. n sambung balik sampai 8.30. u know, its very odd to see sum1 that u always played with, lari2 n all, stuck on d bed. what we did bukan lari2 je...mcm2 lagi la..nak sebut takut ad org heart attack pulak i decided not to ;P. Doa2 Uman cepat okay, n hopefully ubat yg dia makan ubat yg doctor asked him to. btw, umanKU comey. hehe...


done with that. i met my forever besties; alin, qis, ayuni n sarah. n today's meeting's pretty odd. patutlah kami berlima je ari ni. they had this agak huge conflict dengan a few people. siapa? well, biarlah rahsia. i know u guys may x understand what im going to tell but just imagine a group of anak2 ayam of d same mum, but different dads (curang punya mak ayam! haha). anak2 ayam tiri nih baik2 je tapi when an anak ayam backstabbed another adik tiri ayam. *now what im saying?* yeah lebih kurang mcm tu lah ceritanya. sayang sgt bila a group of frens (ala2 geng gitu..) yg kita baik dari skolah rendah lagi...bila abes skolah je divided into two. n one which made d situation worse, qis said, "nanti kita jgnlah lost contact eh..sampai bila2 tau.." takpa qis, i'll be with u forever. haha. alin ayuni n sarah, jangan jealous! haha..introduce siah to me someday okay.i wanna meet her so. okay, forget it. crita benda best pulak.


kapeda sesiapa yg wish to die laughing, this movie is highly recommended. seriously, lawak betul. according to IR Zawani Ibrahim, *wah wahhh!! :p* those who were planning to suicide surely will cancel their intention. 7 stars to afdlin shauki. los dan faun just brighten my day.

afdlin, u rock my sox! muaxxxx

rite afta d movie, we attacked SABAI n then we walked n walked n walked (even i feel like nak bergolek2, sebab dah boring berjalan), bak kata ayuni, we need to make sure that all d calories are all burnt before the next meal. ape2 jelah yuni..asalkan ko bahagia..tapi.....dia pulak yg beria2 ajak orang beli ice cream. (kata nak bakar kalori..isk3.. :P) n disebabkan McD is totally occupied with people, we outta there n finally end up enjoying d ice cream di sebelah abang orange (oh, the pak cik was wearing orang shirt so we named him "Orange" n to make d pakcik happy:konon2 he looked muda..., we replaced the "pakcik" with "abang". oh btw, ini idea alin. :D )

n today jugak, i met lotsa people. Hanzalah: kat escalator; Fatin,Nazirah,Suria: kat cafe pe tah, dekat2 dgn gsc; Gupreet Kaur n a few of people whom i x know: GSC ; Kavitha: in front of 7E ; kak Farah (ni ketua biro Sukan 2005,2006) together with her sister: in front of 'The day The Earth Stood Still' poster, GSC n in Studio 3 n lastly, Juwairiyah kat Guardian pharmacy.

bila agaknya nak bump into kak nab, kak dayah, k wani n k shake eh??

Monday, December 8, 2008

its FINALLY over..!

yeah yeah yeah!

after a week or so spm's over,now only im publishing a new post.sebenarnya x tergerak ati pun nak tulih blog, tapi tadi masa ym-ing ngn k.shake, dia kat dia tgh busy, sedih la pulak.:'(


well, susah SPM ni sebenarnya. ;D (happy me kalo ada any junior of mine baca nih, cuak jadinya..hehe) im x lying, aint bluffing cos i really feel that so. The Ketua Pengawas was pretty strict during the first few days..the timbalan ketua pengawas pulak..emm,strict gak la, tapi takdela strict sangat. ketua pengawas agak cute (bak kata hada, haha), timbalan ketua pengawas mukanya mcm dah berpunya. hehe

em..selalunya lah kan, kalo exam, apa2 exam jelah..i hav plenty of time for relaxing..and bcos of dah biasa, masa spm pn i tend to be agak relax when dah abes jawab. tapi remembring that im actually sitting for spm, REAL SPM, i x jadik relax dah. haha. agak2 ngantuk je, i'll say to myself, "ape ko buat nih spm ni, spm...takdak spm dah after ni, nanti nyesal sampai mati tau tak," then i tak jadi la nak tenung2 pemadam so i get any idea as my answers as usual..hehe ;p

hm...masa 1st day spm, paper bm if im not mistaken, it was paper 2, d one which u need to buat a rumusan n answer tonnes of dizzying tatabahasa questions. i got confused for 3 questions. kucing gle betul tahap confusenya. i wrote n cancelled. wrote n cancelled. wrote again n cancelled again. sampai naik lunyai la kertas jwpn tu kesimpulannya..tulis punya tulis...sampailah timbalan ketua pengawas (whom at that time i x know he's d timbalan sbb dia nampak baik walopon sifat ke-garangan dia tu ade gak skit..)..he walked to me and bent a bit before saying, "dah,dah..masa dah habis dah nii.." i buat bodo je sbb tak habis nulis lagi mse tuh..pastu die datang lagi..mak aihhh..ape kes encik tu..he asked me to stop. thats it. nak tak nak i lift my face n buat muka kesian.hehe. i said,"ala..cikgu, dua perkataan je lagi, duaaa ajaaaa...", agaknya what i did tu effective XD ,dia pun bg i tulis lagi. hehe. hebat? yeah, i sedia maklum. haha..

thats BM, during Chemistry paper 2..ya Allah...loads of direct questions which im x good at. eg: Heat of Neutralisation..aiyarkk..but thank Allah cos the essay part was okay. but hey, when i was writing the last essay, mmg question yg last dah nii..i doubted my answer. its bout 15 minutes left n at that time i doubted my answer. wargh!terrifyingly horrible.i glanced at my watch and decided to go through d structure questions and make sure i answered all d questions and fill in all the blanks which i left during d first time i get thru the questions. its 10 minutes left. time tuh mmg berserah jelah. at that time i nekad, memang betul2 nekad r nih, i put up my hands and ask for another piece of paper. time tuh mmg dah parkinson dah r. i started to answer another question as a bckup to my doubted answer. imagine, in 10 minutes, i answered a 20 marks essay question. rasa menyesal je jawab soalan yg tadi tu, sbb rasanya soalan ni smooth je jawapannya.

20 marks in 10 minutes. nak pikir lagi, nak tulis lagi, ayat pun dah tunggang-langgang jadinye.

n mcm BM jugak, i dun hav enuff time to finish them all. Ketua Pengawas yg agak cute tu pun cakaplah, "baiklah semua calon, masa menjawab dah tamat. anda dkehendaki menghabiskan ayat terakir anda dan mengikat kertas jawapan anda" tunggu apa lagi, i started menghabiskan ayat terakhir tu la (actually bukan ayat terakhir, ayat-ayat-ayat-ayat terakhir sebenarnya)

and of the inviligator came to me..aiyahhh..tade approach yg best lagi ke..but this time muka penyayang n beriman gler, he said, "tak sempat ke?, takpa2 ikat jawapan dulu. sabar ye sabar." apekah.....????? pe la pengawas tu..bglah yg motivating bagi yg bg hancur luluh hati..suro bertawakal pulak, jwpn pun x siap lagi..ade ke nak berenti tulih?well, i actually did. i stopped a while, tying the papers as quick as possible n then only meneruskan saki baki perjuangan. hehe. n yeah. i finally did. :)

other than those two, i think biasa2 je. cuma add math r psycho skit. mana taknye, dgr bunyik org nangis 2 ok gak la. paper 1..waaaa!!!! :"( susah gla....tahap ap g..yeah talking bout arabic..malam b4 paper arabis tu kan, tergerak la hati nak cari number ustaz, ye lah ustaz mn ad dah kat skola, dah lah tu dak2 5 itqan mmg je slalu kene dgn dia. tapi check balance, ada la dalam kupang2 lagi. anta msg kat cikgu ipin, mntak number ustaz.n yeah cikgu ipin celcom, mahai la sms nye tuh. check balance lagi. ada lagi 3 kupang lebih. pastu sampai lah msg dr cikgu ipin, together with ustz's number kan. i directly typed n typed n typed sampailah jadi 2 page..hallamakk..jadi 2 page la pulak..double cost nih..takpelah, ustaz yg kusayang punya pasal, kredit abes pun takpalaaaa..n then kejap je ustaz dah balas. nak tau dia balas ap?

"semoga berjaya"

2 perkataan je. yes, 2 words only. punya la aku karang sampai 2 page dia reply 2 perkataan aje..sadis gila..well, we miss ustaz tho. . .

hmm..physics. thousands of spot questions.d best part is, 1 pun tak naik. n masa paper physics ni la for d 1st time in my life, rasa mcm pandai gler. haha. mana tidaknya, experiment sendirian berhad jadinya..seriously, i don't even know what d question want. dah lah d front part need us to read a sewel-n-ntah pepe's stopwatch. what a waste of time. benci betullllllll...

BIOLOGY. sucks paper 2. paper 3 which could kill. loving n cute paper 1. hehe

EST..good.excellento. 15 points to be elaborated in an hour or so. kejam punya penggubal. :P every second was very precious n not to be wasted. we had so enjoyable time rushing and writing any ideas that popped up in our heads which swelled up our fingers. sampai merah2. yeah, d question's bout nutrition. poor techno's students. THANK YOU LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA. u "brighten" our day. ;p

ADDMATH. no comment. lu pikir la sendiri.

even i feel like this spm hampeh gler, ive done all i can so now, im just praying for the best.
3 torturing weeks, now im free of it. bye2 school. bye debate. bye teachers.

anyway, just would like the people in school i.e. teachers, friends, PIBG, staff2, n semuala including mak cik cleaner, pak cik gardener, mak cik n pak cik kantin, orang servis mesin fotostat, supplier2 koop n semua2 la yg terlibat secara lansung @ secara tak langsung in producing high quality students, creating a very condusive environment for the students to study, being supportive to us n everything, everything that u guys did, to know that we thank you people a lot and we mean it. to BADAR form 4 which i x really like to be honest ;p, sorry kalau we people esp f5 yg rebel. kami rebel blakang2 je. hehe. kalo rebel depan2, mcm menempah maut la pulak. hehe.. orators league', korang rock! next year make sure u guys rock HKSBP! hehe.. 5 Itqan 08, 4 Itqan 07,*yana, aliyyah, ain, aliya, arliza, husna, khod, mien, fadz, afzani, syira, faris, ---**ADIB**hehe---, atif, akmal, nuqman, alif, afifi, fahmi, isnizam, syahir* u guys r happening, sebab tu la cikgu Saipul sayang kelas kita kan kan kan.. ;D n yeah, u people r very co-operative n very supportive. i pray for the best for every each of u. P2A5, Farhana n Aini, i wont let the memories of us fade away. to Kayun, tahun depan kak aini n me wont be in school anymore, so duduk ngan farhana baik2 okay. To Captain, thanks a lot, sorry for every of my wrongdoings, u had been a very good n patient friend this year. Mdm Hajar, i love u so. Cikgu Ipin, lets minum ayaq! haha.. Cikgu Saipul, hope that we could meet again someday. Ustaz Suhaimi Sudin, semoga bahagia di tempat baru. Amalina, Wawa, Onah - make sure our plan jadik next year,kalo x, kesian aca, kan wawa kan.. hehe ;p Aisyah, thank you for being very supportive. i pray that u'll succeed in ur spm. InsyaAllah you will cos ud already worked hard for it n i bliv u can. and yeah, to kahar, thanks for always there for me, n finally to shah. thank you walopon shah ni ske gle ngutuk aku. hehe. (shah, aku dah mention ur name in my blog..)btw shah, ko senyum mcm lembu! hehe..

till then,